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Making the Number 7 Lucky

For as long as I can remember, the number 7 has always been my favorite number. This year, the number 7 took on a very different role. It’s been 7 years since everything happened with Jules. On this day 7 years ago, I realized I was in $15,000 dollars of credit card debt that I didn’t know I had.

I remember trying to change over my insurance, due to the threats from Jules, and trying to use a credit card, only to be told it was declined. I was devastated. Never in my life did I have credit card debt, and knowing Jules did it to me was something I couldn’t get over.

Flash forward to now, 2023, the meaning of year number 7 meant that my credit score would be empty and clean from delinquencies.

I had a serious celebration with my husband when I went to look at all my card information. To see my credit score the best it’s ever been made me cry, and realize all the hard work I put in was worth it. (and to the credit card companies, 7 years of delinquencies is ridiculous, am I right!)

For you the reader, I hope this makes you realize you can do anything with strength and courage. I felt defeated and I mean DEFEATED, but I chose to rise up. I was determined to be better and come out stronger on the other side. Struggle only makes you stronger and appreciate where you came from, too. Everyone is going through something, but you will be better, and your narcissistic, well, they’ll be stuck in the same spot and miserable forever.

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