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Conquering Love Boulevard

When I think about why I wanted to start a blog, it takes me back to a very dark place. One where I didn’t think very highly of myself and one where I was controlled. The sole purpose of this blog is to empower others. Women and men all over who can relate to love lost in the most excruciating way. Even if I am only able to help the lives of few, I hope others can make the connections to my past and know they’re not alone. Oddly enough, no one is alone in this crazy world. Everyone deals with something that others can feel connected to and understand. I mean it when I say you’re able to change the course of your life after something big happens. I never fully liked the saying,” time heals all,” however, it does end up being true. Time either heals or haunts you. In my case I would say it’s a little of both. I can’t lie and say everyday is great. There are days when the past hits hard and there are days when I am oh so thankful it happened. With that being said my blog is called Conquering Love Boulevard, and honestly every relationship when love is involved can feel like a boulevard that never ends. So sit back, grab your drink or ice cream, and brace yourself for what’s to come. I guarantee this blog will read like you're watching a soap opera. Unfortunately, my soap opera and the characters were real, and will be real for the rest of my life. Enjoy!

Let us know what you're struggles are and we can write about our experiences.

Photo by Mrigen Das on Unsplash

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