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Blinded by Love...Maybe?...

On our first date Jules picked me up in his really fancy black Impala. It had all the crazy things all young kids love, like subs that make your ears bleed, and bright lights that make you unable to see straight for a couple days. (Sorry to any young readers, it’s a stage we all go through and laugh about later.) I remember it was dark out and we drove to a park and made out. Nothing fancy. He told me all the things a young girl wants to hear. “You’re beautiful.” “I’ve liked you for a long time.” Blah, blah, blah.

After that date we started talking more. By more I mean every night. My life pretty much started revolving around Jules. I’d race home after class and talk to him every night. It was always over the phone or through video chat. In the months following our first date, it would be another five months until I would see him again. Looking back into those five months, I think about all the experiences and events I never showed up to in college. I missed out on so much. Little did I know, this was the control Jules wanted. I thought I was being the “good girlfriend,” but really it was the beginning of an extremely controlling relationship.

I was too blinded to see that at the time. Blinded by love. In those five months, we started talking about marriage. Everything was as perfect as it could be for a couple who only talked through a computer.

Finally, right before Christmas Jules proposed. I can’t say I wasn’t excited. I was twenty and in love. I had finally found someone who would love me for me. Little did I know this relationship would be the worst of my life and one that would cause me trauma for many years after it ended. Here comes the beginning of the story that involves the first time he cheated.

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