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2020 was Still Better than my First Marriage

Updated: Jul 31, 2021

2020 is still better than my first marriage. Literally!

Recently, I got wind that my ex husband is pregnant with his wife. I mean I’m really happy. Better her than me, right!? One of the comments under the picture that was posted online really made me laugh, and wish I had more anger in me to respond. A relative of theirs posted under the ultrasound photo a little message that read something about how this happens when you hold hands. I quickly wanted to respond with, well no, this is what actually happens when you cheat.

Now I know you don’t know the whole story of what happened yet, however, I will tell you there was some major cheating involved on my ex- husbands side of things. I guess when you start thinking about someone cheating, getting remarried, and having a baby, it makes you wonder? How could you congratulate that!? SOOO many people congratulate people when they have a baby. However, should we be?

Yes, I am happy when a baby is born. I am not that mean or rude, but I feel very sad for all babies that are born in unloving situations. In my case, I feel bad that this baby has to grow up with at least one narcissistic parent.

It’s funny when you begin to think about how much people can put certain situations in the past and move on from them. The only real people with that lasting effect on them is the victim. The person actually doing the hurt never seems to have a problem with anything. When you’re dealing with a narcissist, everyone around them thinks they’re a saint. It was a pretty sick feeling to see my ex-husbands family tell him his decisions were fine, he just needed to be happy. It was as if they were saying, “oh, you killed someone.” “Honey, that’s fine, as long as you’re happy!.” Maybe this is why there are so many relationship problems in the world. We tell people their actions are fine as long as they’re happy.

What do you think?


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